Friday, 29 November 2019


This sort of move is in line with a general trend toward tighter paywalls. How professional identity shapes the way journalists do their work. Also, the only reason you know I farted is because I told you. Any idea of what is going on? Exploring the art and craft of story. They need to make a living at it, in order to keep doing it. new york times paywall smasher chrome extension

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new york times paywall smasher chrome extension

The advertising model in its current form is coming to an end, and we have to find other ways to continue operating this site. But browser makers may have the last laugh. The site uses cookies to keep count of your read articles, so you can also clear the browser cache, or switch browsers to start afresh.

March 30, at 6: It has since then become one of the most popular tech news sites on the Internet with five authors and regular contributions from freelance writers. Popular Posts What do you associate with certain web smashee

new york times paywall smasher chrome extension

Covering thought leadership in journalism. The bottom line is that using resources owned by another without smaeher permission is unambiguously wrong. Therefore, it is okay for hackers, burglars, pickpockets to steal your property, right? As rxtension Chrome 76, this is fixed. Non-subscribers run into issues with these sites however. Even former editors-in-chief of Wired are into it! Canadian laws for technology are not well known, and what is known is not very specific.

John said on December 12, at 1: Donnie said on December 11, at 5: What is the best free archiver to extract archives and compress files? Just want to be clear that this is not about the NYT business model or getting stuff for free.

Derek said on December 11, at 7: Most paywalls allow Google spiders to browse their pages, so all you need to do is change the referrer to https: In my opinion it simply has to do with respecting the decision made by the individual or the company. Not obviously so, anyway. Now Google has taken down the extension.

Defeat the New York Times Paywall with 2 lines of CSS | Wes Bos

By the way, I tested this out: Now read as much as you want! Clairvaux said on December 11, at Fight the good fight.

May 28, at Nw gHacks Ghacks is a technology news blog that was founded in by Martin Brinkmann. John Fenderson said on December 11, at Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Bypass paywalls with Anti-Paywall for Firefox and Chrome

It is so gratifying that I voluntary donate money to Wiki Foundation every year. I personally rather let sites run mining so that I can enjoy a pleasant web and contribute to the creators at the same time. The one who pays to legally get access to an offered non free service or product. Prefer to get the news as it happens? A typical example is http:

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