Monday, 9 December 2019


You need to define an entity which you can specify by expanding, filtering and selecting attributes. Recently the most annoying one from my perspective is: Email Required, but never shown. Thanks Chaim for your reply. This code snipped shows the method buildConsumer which defines the connection to the server by setting all the necessary information like the service URL and the log in information. Open link in a new tab. How do we handle problem users? odata4j

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Group: OData4J

Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Post as a guest Name. Thanks Chaim for your reply. The server part of Olingo V4 is very well maintained. Sign up using Email and Password. Sign odatta4j using Facebook.

Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Apache was taking care of OData since version 2, so I guess that this library is odats4j reliable. On the other hand there are still some open issues in Apache Olingo.

The method parseData loops odaha4j the properties of the given entity. For more information, see: I have to publish my entities Database tables via OData service protocol using Java.


This article is the second in a three-part series. No search term specified. Build a consumer 2.

Consuming Employee Central OData Services with the Java OData4j library

Thanks for all your comments. Analyze the consumed data and parse it to the output This code snipped shows the method buildConsumer which defines the connection to the server by setting all the necessary information like the service URL and pdata4j log in information.


Trim Bandaru Trim Bandaru 28 1 1 silver badge 6 6 bronze badges. This code snippet shows the method readEntities which consumes data from the server based on the defined consumer.

For the client I am missing the time so we are hoping for contributions there. I am part of the Olingo community so I am a little biased: Email Required, but never shown. Active 3 years, 5 months ago. I will check how it works.


Follow RSS feed Like. I'm working with Olingo and I've recently started using client. This code snipped shows the method buildConsumer which defines the connection to the server by setting all the necessary information like the service URL and the log in information. You need to define an entity which you can ovata4j by expanding, filtering and selecting attributes.

Open link in a new tab. If you want to use the newest protocol version v4 you should go with Apache Olingo.

Maven Repository: 4j

August 23, at 1: You must be Logged on to comment or odata4h to a post. Improving the question-asking experience. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled.

The second string describes the password. Chaim Chaim 43 1 1 silver badge 5 5 bronze badges.

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